The Butchers of the Dezerter's Bazaar

Spring fruits at the Dezerter's Bazaar.

Dezerter's Bazaar

The Butchers of the Dezerter's Bazaar
Named after deserter's from Czar Nicholas's army, who legend says sold their gear here before running off to the hills, the Dezerter's Bazaar is a chaotic convolution of raw consumerism. Our tour focuses on the wholesale farmer's market section, which provides fresh produce to many of the city's restaurants and mom and pop shops. We meet merchants and the seasonal products behind the magic that is Georgian cuisine. This tour is the perfect introduction to Georgia's gastronomic culture and hospitality.
After exploring the bazaar, we jump in a taxi to sup on a glorious lunch and finish at one of the city's best wine bars for an exclusive tasting of natural wines.
2 - 6 people
Price: $110 per person includes transportation, all food and wine.
1 person: $135
​Private and large group tours available. Contact for details.
Tour starts at 10 am and wraps up around 4pm.
Meet at the fountain near Rustaveli Metro